Monday, March 9, 2009

Devcathlon: Regular Events

This week we are continuing our work on the Devcathlon system. This week, we are working on regular events( We are also partner up with a fellow classmate to work on this week’s event.

I am partner up with fellow classmate, R. Raqueno. The event we are working on is ‘Keep The Repository Clean,’ there are two wakeup intervals to that event, the first one is waking up every 60 minutes to check if there are any failed builds during that 60 minutes range. The second one is waking up every 24 hours to check if there are any successfully builds during that 24 hours period.

So I am working on the first part of this two-part event. ‘Keep the Repository Clean Hourly,’ event where it will check the continuous integration service (Hudson) every 60 minutes intervals and see if there was any failed builds. If there is a failed build during that check, then it will deduct five points for that team. My part of the event was simply and easy to implement. I re-used my code from a previous event I did ‘Pass the Build,’ added couple of lines so it checks for continuous integration builds instead of regular builds. I also did some test cases to check if the code and scoring is working properly.

I did not run into problems when coding for this event. I did run into problems when I was running automated error detection tools (Emma, JUnit, FindBugs). I forgot what the error was, because it did not happen after a couple of tries. I do not think it is a heap overload error, because it was corrected by the professor, so I do not know what it was. I try to reproduce the error as I am writing this entry, but I am unsuccessful in producing the error again.

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