Monday, February 9, 2009

Devcathlon: UI Recommendation

My software development class is about to start coding the “Devcathlon” system. If you read my last couple of entries, it will tell you what the “Devcathlon” system is. Before we can start coding the system, we have to decide on one user interface.

My previous three blog entries review mockup 4, 5, and 6 for the Devcathlon system.
I choose mockup 4 layout for the basis of the Devcathlon system, but I also liked the mockup 6’s idea of integrating the system with Hackystat. The main page after a user logs in should be change. Add some images, or some create things to make it “hip”. I mean this is the first page that users going to see after logging in.

I kind of liked the military insignia as the ranking for the system and the dev-card with the level ranking. I liked mockup 4 and 5’s idea of not having to display all match details in My Matches page but have it in another page.

The collapsible tabs are excellent in saving space. I think there should be more of a social networking feel to it. Probably integrate a music player, and/or adding some apps into it. The comments on the user profile in Mockup 4 is awesome, lets people add their comments and the user profile.

I also like mockup 6’s idea of an Administrator page for the manager/boss. This page lets them promote and demote ranking of players and team. Also this page lets you award and take away badges. With this in place, players cannot cheat the system and put in bogus points and badges. With an administrator page, he gets to see over all matches and moderate things within the system.

The drop down menu bar might have to be change so it can also be collapsible within each link. Similar to menu bars in online stores, where a user click on a title and that title expands to different sections – this is done within the menu bar. As the Devcathlon is developing and new pages and ideas is added to the system. I think that the menu bar right now will not be able to show up all links.

We should not have an extra “messaging” system with Devcathlon. I think it will be one extra thing to worry about. Also, the system automatically sends emails to users, so keeping the system to sending emails to users is alright. I do not thing we need the extra messaging system. Too much hassle to worry one more “inbox.”

Add an RSS option to the matches, so users can get a RSS feed to anything that accepts RSS feeds. Keeps the user up to date with their current matches and projects. It is awesome with a RSS feed, I use it for my news updates and deals updates. Might be a good idea to have a RSS feed.

Spice up the color scheme by trying out different color combinations. There might be one nice color combination beside the light-blue we have right now for the Devcathlon.

These are the things I have in mind for the user interface recommendation. Hopefully some of them get implemented into the Devcathlon system.

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