Monday, November 17, 2008

DueDates-Red System release 1.2

This week proves another challenging task – our DueDates system should be able to mail out an e-mail with a report stating books that are checked out, second it should be able to “wakeup” to do the search and email a report. The other member in this team includes C. Okada. I was in charge of having the system generate an e-mail and sending out a report in the body that includes books that are checked out and libraries. The task at first was easy to do, but thinking on how to do got me a little confused. At the end, the system is able to send out an e-mail. C. Okada did the wakeup, and he sent an e-mail stating that it is up and working.

One problem I had was one of the library, UH Manoa’s Hamilton Library, was not printing out a list of books checked out for my e-mail report. C. Okada got that part fixed, I do not know what the problem was and it just printed out a blank page. My team member also got the third-party command line parser going, so he was able to get some of the if and else statements out. My other problem was when I made test cases for UH Manoa’s Hamilton Library class, it worked Eclipse’s JUnit Testing, and it also passed verify on my laptop. BUT Hudson failed to build the system because of two test cases. I do not know why it did not work on Hudson, but passed on my local Eclipse and verify tests. It is also hard to maintain a high level of coverage, as we expand the system adding more lines to it, our coverage level goes down and we have to add in more test cases to boost back the coverage level.

My team member and me met after our software development class every other day to discuss about the tasks we have to do. Any problems we deal with it over Google mail, extreme problems we deal with it in person. This is working effectively, I do not know how else to improve this group process for our team.

Working on this latest release 1.2 was a little easier than working on release 1.1. One part is that I had a template to look at when doing the e-mail portion for the DueDates system. I am still learning how to use the third-party command line parser that my team partner installed and using for the system.

The software intensive care unit is alright; at least we know if the system was committed regularly, the development time on the system, how much the system was tested and if the system is in a “healthy” state. One problem I had with Hudson was that it failed on my test cases for UH Manoa’s Hamilton library. It worked on my laptop – passed verify and Eclipse’s JUnit testing. I do not know why it failed in Hudson, I had to put ‘@Ignore’ into two test cases so Hudson will pass verify build.

I, as a software developer have to work more effectively and time manages better. There were so much things going on last week that lasted to the weekend that it was not able to get things done.

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