Monday, November 3, 2008

Second Release for DueDates-Red System

As of now, I am working on a program with fellow classmate C. Okada. As you may now know, this program will list all books that are checked out from a list of libraries in the program. Right now, the program only has the Hawaii State and University of Hawaii Hamilton Library systems. Our professor, P. Johnson, introduced to us to Hudson (Hudson monitors executions of repeated jobs, such as building a software project or jobs run by cron;, a software monitor that will test the program to see if there are any errors in Findbugs, JUnit, PMD, and so on. It is an awesome monitoring system, I liked the fact it builds our system and generates an e-mail if it fails to build. Using Hudson was a great experience in continuous integration, I commit my system to Google Project Hosting and it will build the system for me. Hudson is like an assistant to me for building and checking any failures in the system.

Today is our second release of the Due Dates system; we accomplished a lot but now enough. This release was harder to do than our previous release, because we have to add three capabilities to our system – supporting more than one library, sorting, and within. Our system still does not sort by books and library; I think it is my fault for not knowing that it was my task to do it – so it should be there on the next release. My group member, C. Okada, finish with the “within” method. That method will display all books that are within a day range, like one day or three days or more from the current day on the user’s computer. The system also has the ability of displaying more than one library, so it is able to grab two libraries’ credentials and generate the list of those libraries.

We downloaded and use a third-party command line parser, the first time around it did not work well with our system. Also, we had to make the third-party file available for users and developers and how to install and use on their system. So that generates a lot of hassle for their end so we scrap that from the system. JUnit error checking will generate warnings when we create sub-packages in our system, still figuring a way to go around the warnings.

We were meeting at the University of Hawaii’s Hamilton Library every other day last week for one to 2 hours at the most. This is good because we were able to discuss about the system, I had a problem with the third-party command line parser so my group member was able to solve. I think this is better than communicating with only instant messaging and e-mails. We probably will keep the Hamilton library as the meeting place, our secondary meeting place is the Salt Lake Public Library because it have Wi-Fi connection for public library card holders.

Cannot slack off, have to time manage everything. I think I did not time manage well during this release. I cannot let it happen again before our next release will be really behind on features.

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